PCO 2023 Day 2: Efficiency and expertise shaping orthopedic practice

Here we go for Day 2 of the Practical Course Orthopedics in Toulouse!

Morning insights: enhancing surgical efficiency and patient care in hip and knee sessions

PCO day 2 morning sessionI started the day by attending the virtual fellowship with Pascal-André VENDITTOLI for a hip session. An important subject of this session was efficiency, how to properly organize a consultation to have time to spend with the patient, the management of pain, and the management of limb length discrepancy after a THA. The screening of the patient before consultation with the surgeon was a very impressive aspect of Pascal-André VENDITTOLI’s team. The end of the presentation was lively with a debate between several different experts (Nicolas REINA, Julien GIRARD, Michael MENEGHINI, Eleftherios TSIRIDIS) on several topics.

After a little break, I continued the morning with a new session of real-life clinical work, a new concept at this congress. These sessions consist in discussing real cases with a patient on stage. This morning's real-life clinic was about the knee, specifically, UKA/TKA/ Osteotomy with a great panel of experts (Etienne CAVAIGNAC, Stéphane BOISGARD, Sébastien LUSTIG, Sebastien PARRATTE, Kristian KLEY, Alejandro ESPEJO-REINA). Debates about the cases were exhilarating, from techniques and indications to the patient’s expectations: every aspect of a real consultation was there. Sebastien PARRATE demonstrated to us how much a clinical approach is important in the final indication.

After the clinical case session, the morning ended with a one-hour session on postoperative management after total hip prosthesis, with different approaches depending on the country: Michael MENEGHINI from the USA with the implementation center of surgery, where the patient is conditioned to return home on the day of the intervention, and Karl STOFFEL, from Switzerland, whose practice is totally different on the subject. The debates led by Nicolas REINA concluded with the state-of-the-art use of new implants such as short stem by Nader HELMY.

Maxime Testory

Arthroplasty: Expectations, personalization, new tech!

PCO Day 2: afternoonThe first session on Friday afternoon was entitled "Expectations after arthroplasty". The first topic presented by Eleftherios TSIRIDIS concerned patients' expectations of THA, which are increasingly high and vary according to age, gender, social class and preoperative physical activity. Michael MENEGHINI spoke of the contrast that can be observed in patients who have undergone THA without radiological abnormality, but who present painful symptoms. The following theme on "The promises I can make to sportsmen and women" presented by Julien GIRARD, was interesting, highlighting the discourse we can have with sports patients, high-level athletes, in relation to the surgery we propose to them. The session ended with a presentation by Jenaro FERNANDEZ-VALENCIA, who showed us the evolution of THA management, both technically and logistically, and in terms of rehabilitation.

We then moved on to the second session, entitled "The Personalized Arthroplasty Society". Pascal-André VENDITTOLI and Charles RIVIERE presented their thoughts on knee prostheses in a series of talks. The aim is to individualize and personalize treatment, because "every knee is unique". The detailed description of their surgical technique and concept was highly instructive.

After a short break to chat and share with the other delegates over coffee and snack, it was time for a session entitled "Best of congresses". Alejandro ESPEJO-REINA and Kristian KLEY described their surgical strategy around osteotomy and tips for avoiding classic complications. Katja TECKLENBURG and Guri EKAS presented their ESSKA fellowship across America, which enabled them to discover both new surgical practices and a totally different healthcare system! Romain LETARTRE then presented the SFA score, designed to help practitioners better manage knee trauma. Then it was Sébastien LUSTIG's turn to present the use of robotics in unicompartmental knee replacement.

This last topic provided the perfect transition to the final session of the day, entitled "New technologies", where everyone gathered in the main room. A topic addressed by professionals who, once again, talk about their personal experience in this field.

Nicolas Vari

CHU Toulouse, France
CHU Toulouse, France
Orthopaedic surgeon