Cases and resources in orthopedics

Explore a selection of educational materials from leading experts in the field of orthopedics. This section offers replays of the PCO course sessions, interviews with specialists, clinical case studies, short videos focused on advanced techniques, and webinars. A valuable hub for learning and staying updated on key practices.

A 24-year-old female patient presents with hip pain. Pre-op X-rays reveal total lysis of the shelf: What causes the patient's symptoms and how would you manage this condition?
The goals of this clinical case are to discuss the different indications and therapeutic options for a hip dysplasia in a young patient, as well as possible complications.

Hip dysplasia in a young woman: How should I treat?
Nicolas Reina

This case discusses the causes of a hip pain, the different therapeutic options, and exposes the posterior mini-invasive approach.

Management of hip pain in a 68 year-old woman
Vincent Marot, Nicolas Reina

Discover a quick and easy technique to expose the facet of the patella articulation!

Mini-open approach to the articular surface of the patella
Julian Mehl

Join Prof. Etienne Cavaignac as he performs a revision technique on a 22-year-old patient suffering from a positive reverse pivot shift test.

Management of a PCL graft failure in a pivoting sport athlete
Etienne Cavaignac, Vincent Marot

What are the treatment options in case of ACL graft failure? Dive into this clinical case, find out an innovative technique and understand the reasons for the failure of the first surgery!​

Management of an ACL graft failure in a high-level pivoting sport athlete
Etienne Cavaignac, Vincent Marot